XII Hidrobal Sant Silvestre de Calvià 2024

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 31/12/2024
  • Laufen
  • Mallorca
  • Ort: Calvià
  • Uhrzeit: 17:00
  • Angemeldete:
  • Limit: 30/12/2024 23:59
  • Organiza: Fundacio Calvia
  • Gebühren:
    10 €
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federacio Atletisme Illes Balears

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15/03/2025 | mallorca

XII Hidrobal Sant Silvestre de Calvià 2024

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs


Day: 31 December 2024

Race time: 17 h

Start and finish: Pista de Atletismo de Magaluf

Deadline for registration: 28 December 2024

Registration at: https://elitechip.net/

Until 28 December at 11.59 pm or until the maximum number of registrations is reached.

Registration fee: 10 €.

Race bib collection: 31 December from 15.00 to 16:30 h at the Magaluf athletics track.

Services included: timing, commemorative T-shirt (ATTENTION only for the first 800 people registered), aid station at the finish line, chocolate with ensaimada, showers service, cloakroom.

Trophies and prizes:

?      Trophy for the first 5 absolute classified persons (male, female).

?      Trophy for the 1st local male

?      Trophy for the 1st local female

?      3 surprise prizes for the three best COSTUMES.

Organised by: Fundación Calvià365 and Ajuntament de Calvià

Map of the route:


Participants between 16 and 18 years old

If you are 16 or 17 years old you can participate in the San Silvestre by sending us the application form to eventsice@calvia.com

Participants under 16 years old

If you are 15 years old or younger, you can participate in the "Hidrobal San Silvestre Calvianera Kids"!

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