XII Cursa per la Dona Ibiza 2024

Registrations Made

XII Cursa per la Dona Ibiza 2024
  • Date: 10/03/2024
  • Running
  • Eivissa
  • City: Eivissa
  • Time: 11:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 08/03/2024 21:00
  • Fee:
    3 €
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XII Cursa per la Dona Ibiza 2024

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Café Con Leche [S. Mari and A. Castillo]
Sara Mari Carrera 3900 m.
Armando Castillo Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Dinamita [M. Liñan and N. Castelló ]
MªJosé Liñan Carrera 3900 m.
Noemí Castelló Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Eiviastur [C. Barrio and G. Quirós]
Carmen Rosa Barrio Carrera 3900 m.
Gustavo Quirós Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Carla Y Toni [C. Pérez and A. Ahumada]
Carla Pérez Carrera 3900 m.
Antonio Ahumada Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Monitoni [M. Rodriguez De Guzman and T. Esteve ]
Montse Rodriguez De Guzman Carrera 3900 m.
Toni Esteve Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Los Malagueños [J. Bonici and M. Ramírez Ruiz ]
Juan Antonio Bonici Carrera 3900 m.
Maria Jesús Ramírez Ruiz Carrera 3900 m.
Team: Los Pisoteadores [A. Rodrigo and M. Bergas]
Antonio Rodrigo Carrera 3900 m.
Marta Bergas Carrera 3900 m.
Team: A. Aghiorchiesei and S. Aghiorchiesei
Team: Timón Roig [M. Timón and L. Roig]
Team: Timón Estévez [B. Timón and F. Estévez]
Team: M. Marí and M. Porta
Team: A. Martinez and O. Martinez
Team: Surís Power [C. Suris and M. Mari]
Team: Jose Y Toñi [A. Castaño and J. Jiménez]
Team: Carol Y Jose [C. Giner and J. Castaño]
Team: C. Salas and J. Bordas
Team: The Ladies [S. Espinosa and M. Espinosa ]
Team: The Colibríes [E. Antúnez and A. Toro]
Team: Los Leitos [S. Barbado and C. Hoyos ]
Team: M. Lopez and A. De Dios
Team: Dídac [I. Perez and I. Ferrer]
Team: Las Rosas [R. Martí and R. Torres]
Team: Cumpleañeras [B. Felipe and C. Serdyukov]
Team: Gacelas [J. Beltran and V. Gonzalez]
Team: A. Riera and P. Riera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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