V Atlante Rally Of Classics 2023

Registrations Made

V Atlante Rally Of Classics 2023
  • Date: 18/11/2023
  • Rally
  • Mallorca
  • City: Palma de Mallorca
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 13/11/2023 23:59
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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V Atlante Rally Of Classics 2023

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Los Rodríguez [F. Rodríguez and H. Vega]
Federico Rodríguez Motor
Hugo Vega Motor
Team: Los Lopes [C. Goncalves and M. Lopes]
Carlos Manuel Goncalves Motor
Manuel Lopes Motor
Team: Campa-Torres [C. Campa and R. Torres]
Ruben Torres Motor
Carlos Campa Motor
Team: Morris & Brown Team [W. Morris and C. Brown]
William Morris Motor
Carl Brown Motor
Team: M&M [M. Ohm and M. De Luca]
Matthias Ohm Motor
Marisa De Luca Motor
Team: A. Isern and M. Catalá
Antoni Isern Motor
Mateu Catalá Motor
Team: B. Riera and J. Sansó
Bernardino Riera Motor
Jaume Sansó Motor
Team: Es Terrat Administradores [A. Lliteras and J. Ferra Bernard]
Andreu Lliteras Motor
Juan Ferra Bernard Motor
Team: The Orange Vette Team [G. Westphal and M. Del Signore]
Team: Matrix [P. Noëlle and E. Salar]
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