III Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2018

Registrations Made

III Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2018
  • Date: 08/04/2018
  • Cursa BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Bunyola
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 07/04/2018 22:00
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III Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2018

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Los Aaron Gwins [N. Jimeno and J. Martorell]
Naia Jimeno BTT 44 Km.
Jose Antonio Martorell BTT 44 Km.
Team: Team Mascaro Power [G. Mascaro and J. Mascaró]
Gori Mascaro BTT 44 Km.
Joan Mascaró BTT 44 Km.
Team: Mrc.Bike Team [J. Lopez and M. Domínguez ]
Manuel Domínguez BTT 44 Km.
Jaume Lopez BTT 44 Km.
Team: Roig Team [T. Roig and M. Roig]
Toni Roig BTT 44 Km.
Miquel Roig BTT 44 Km.
Team: Montanbikeros [R. García and F. Garcia ]
Francisco Javier Garcia BTT 44 Km.
Rafael García BTT 44 Km.
Team: Psicomotronic [M. Barcelo and B. Mesquida]
Miquel Angel Barcelo BTT 44 Km.
Bernat Mesquida BTT 44 Km.
Team: Hsm Bicimetrics [R. Márquez and A. Martínez ]
Raúl Márquez BTT 44 Km.
Alex Martínez BTT 44 Km.
Team: Torrens Vadell & Tolo Garden’s l [T. Coll and M. Torrens]
Macia Torrens BTT 44 Km.
Tolo Coll BTT 44 Km.
Team: Calleja Team [J. Ibañez and J. Sastre]
Juan Sastre BTT 44 Km.
Joaquin Ibañez BTT 44 Km.
Team: J. Morla, A. Vicens and M. Serra
Antoni Vicens BTT 44 Km.
Juan Morla BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL / JOVES [I. Mateu and P. Ramis]
Isidro Mateu BTT 44 Km.
Pedro Ramis BTT 44 Km.
Team: FULLANA TEAM [M. Fullana and M. Puigròs]
Margarita Fullana BTT 44 Km.
Miquel Lluis Puigròs BTT 44 Km.
Team: BICIARREGLO PALMA [E. Zamora and A. Jandula]
Emilio Zamora BTT 44 Km.
Alfonso Jandula BTT 44 Km.
Team: THE CHAMELEONS [L. Bauza and M. Mas]
Lluis Gabriel Bauza BTT 44 Km.
Miguel Mas BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL MAGRES [S. Hidalgo and J. Torres]
Santiago Hidalgo BTT 44 Km.
Jesús Torres BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL DRINK TEAM [P. Gelabert Rigo and P. Bauza]
Pedro Gelabert Rigo BTT 44 Km.
Pep Bauza BTT 44 Km.
Team: ES PEDAL FORANEOS [J. Vila and R. Navarro]
Jaime Vila BTT 44 Km.
Raul Navarro BTT 44 Km.
Team: EXCELL BOYS [J. Mascaro and L. Galiano]
Jaime Mascaro BTT 44 Km.
Luis Miguel Galiano BTT 44 Km.
Team: CANIS POSTAL [P. Pujol and E. Pujol]
Esteban Pujol BTT 44 Km.
Team: GALDES PCE [I. Amengual and P. Amengual]
Isidre Amengual BTT 44 Km.
Pere Amengual BTT 44 Km.
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