Cursa Popular Nocturna - Pere Pixedis 2024

Registration Rights

Cursa Popular Nocturna - Pere Pixedis 2024
  • Date: 16/07/2024
  • Running
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Plaça del Mercat
  • City: Sa Pobla
  • Time: 20:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 16/07/2024 13:00
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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Cursa Popular Nocturna - Pere Pixedis 2024

Registration Rights

Price structure

Please see a detailed breakdown of competition registration costs below. For athletes who have a yellow chip, they have a discount of € 1.00 on the price shown in this table.

Individual registration
Route Cursa Absoluta (5000m)
7 €
Route Cursa menors

* Management fees not included

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