V Atlante Rally Of Classics 2023

Details of the Event

  • Date: 18/11/2023
  • Rally
  • Mallorca
  • City: Palma de Mallorca
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 13/11/2023 23:59
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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V Atlante Rally Of Classics 2023

Details of the Event

V Atlante Rally of Classics

18th of November 2023

Registration (Limited to 50 cars)


Rosa Cordoba
Jose Luis garcía Pujades
María Ramis



During the Rally:

  • Photos and video during the race
  • Welcome "Briefing" - Safety during the race
  • Rally merchandising gifts
  • Insurance
  • Measuring transponder
  • Stickers for car
  • Lunch (2 pax per car)
  • Chase car assistance
  • Access to vehicle tracking box in real time
  • Activities

After the Rally:

  • Dinner (2 pax per car )
  • Awards ceremony
  • Party (DJ + surprises)

Basic Registration:

  • 170 €/car, when you register before the 15th October 2023
  • 195 €/car, when you register between the 16th Oct. & 13th Nov. 2023


Prior to the Rally (1,5h approx.):

  • Basic theoretical course on regularity
  • Road book: how to use it
  • Practical class with specialized monitor
  • Snack/ brunch

During the Rally:

  • Photos and video during the race
  • Welcome "Briefing" - Safety during the  race
  • Rally merchandising delivery
  • Insurance
  • Measuring transponder
  • Stickers for car
  • Lunch (2 pax per car)
  • Sag wagon / Follow car assistance
  • Access to vehicle tracking box in real time
  • Activities

PREMIUM Registration: 320 €/car


During the Rally:

  • Welcome "Briefing" - Safety during the race
  • Rally merchandising gifts
  • Insurance
  • Stickers for car
  • Lunch (2 pax per car)
  • Chase car assistance
  • Access to vehicle tracking box in real time
  • Activities

After the Rally:

  • Dinner (2 pax per car )
  • Awards ceremony
  • Party (DJ + surprises)

CLASSIC ROUND Registration: 130 €/car

If you own a classic car and  you would like to live the experience of a Regularity Rally (without transponder and only in the morning), this is your registration modality.


What should I do to register?

This year, you can register via the web site “ELITECHIP”:

1. Go to https://www.elitechip.net.

2. Click at the V ATLANTE RALLY OF CLASSICS and fill in all the required information. This time you will be registered as a “team”. You can name the team as you wish.
 Remember that you should have the following information ready:

  • Name, surnames and ID of the participants: pilot and co-pilot
  • Contact details of the participants: phone number and email address
  • Car which will participate in the Rally: Brand, Model, year of first registration and engine cc
  • Valid vehicle insurance and MOT / ITV test (it is mandatory to provide the documentation on the day of the race)
  • Credit card

3. Once all data have been completed, we will send a confirmation e-mail; and then… get ready 
for the Rally of the year…!!!! 

 If you need help, call +34 666 868 957 (only WhatsApp) or write an email to info@atlantegroup.com

During the event, there will be a charity bar and all the benefits obtained will be donated to the Nemo Foundation (www.fundacionnemo.org)

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