XVIII Duatló Popular de Menorca 2020

Registrations Made

XVIII Duatló Popular de Menorca 2020
  • Date: 22/11/2020
  • Duatlón
  • Menorca
  • City: Ciutadella
  • Time: 09:30
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 03/11/2020 12:00
  • Limit: 20/11/2020 21:00
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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XVIII Duatló Popular de Menorca 2020

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: C. Anglada and P. Pons
Clara Anglada Carrera
Pau Pons Carrera
Team: Unicornios Team [J. Olives and S. Segui]
Susana Segui Carrera
Jose Luis Olives Carrera
Team: Gener Pons Equip Intenacional De Duatló [T. Gener and P. Gener]
Toni Gener Carrera
Paula Gener Carrera
Team: No M'Apretis [T. Salord and A. Dios]
Tomeu Salord Carrera
Antonio Dios Carrera
Team: Cames-Seques [M. Huguet and F. Cavaller]
Francesc Cavaller Carrera
Migue Huguet Carrera
Team: Gas Tomás [E. Pons and D. Bosch]
Enric Pons Carrera
Diego Bosch Carrera
Team: Perla Mia [A. Bagur and S. Jover]
Sergi Jover Carrera
Antonio Bagur Carrera
Team: Lorente-Goñalons [J. Lorente and R. Goñalons]
Team: Ferre Team [D. Pieres and D. Portella]
Daniel Pieres Carrera
Damia Portella Carrera
Team: Abelardos Team [J. Olives and R. Muñoz]
Joan Olives Carrera
Ruben Muñoz Carrera
Team: Reputes [D. Dinarés and X. Genestar]
Xavi Genestar Carrera
David Dinarés Carrera
Team: Dinamoll [M. Moll and D. Dinares]
David Dinares Carrera
Maria Moll Carrera
Team: Domingo [G. Domingo and B. Domingo]
Gràcia Domingo Carrera
Biel Domingo Carrera
Team: M. Bosch and L. Llorens
Lluc Llorens Carrera
Marc Bosch Carrera
Team: L. Villalonga and B. Domingo
Llorenç Villalonga Carrera
Bosco Domingo Carrera
Team: Fontains Team [M. Pons and R. Ledesma]
Marc Pons Carrera
Roberto Ledesma Carrera
Team: The Real Domingo Team [G. Domingo and M. Anglada]
Marti Anglada Carrera
Gabriel Domingo Carrera
Team: Pilatos Team [M. Fiol and S. Alonso]
Maria Fiol Carrera
Santiago Alonso Carrera
Team: Domingo Tumbaos [J. Domingo and M. Domingo]
Miquel Domingo Carrera
Joan Domingo Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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